how to check the battery capacityhow to check the battery capacity

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The first method is to measure the discharge rate of the battery based on the current strength. The capacity of a car battery is an important factor to consider and check regularly, as the device’s life decreases over time, and the capacity decreases rapidly.19 Jul 2022

How to check the battery capacity?

Q = I*T,

  1. where Q is the battery capacity (A*h or mAh);
  2. I is the constant discharge current of the battery (A);
  3. T – battery discharge time (h).

How do I check the battery capacity of my phone?

You can access the service menu by dialing the following combination on your smartphone: ##. As a result, the display will show a menu similar to the one in the screenshot below. Next, you need to select the "Battery information" item.

How to check the battery capacity with a tester?

How to check the battery capacity with a multimeter

  1. Turn on the multimeter, switch it to the voltmeter mode.
  2. Fix the voltage on the terminals.
  3. Start the stopwatch and let the current flow through the resistor at 500 milliamperes until the voltage drops to 2.7V.
  4. Time the time. Multiply the hours spent by the current.