What kind of water is needed for an aquariumWhat kind of water is needed for an aquarium

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Experienced aquarists are convinced that tap water should be poured into the aquarium, which should be disinfected beforehand using filters for drinking water purification and insisted for several days or weeks.

How long should the water for an aquarium be settled?

And only here does the sacred question of how long to defend water for fish make sense. For complete removal of gaseous chlorine, it is better to keep the water for three days .

Why do fish die in an aquarium?

This happens for trivial reasons – untimely cleaning of the aquarium and water change, overpopulation of fish or overfeeding, poor filtration. Due to the disruption of the nitrogen cycle, the concentration of nitrite, ammonia and other harmful substances in aquarium water increases.

What should be the water temperature in the aquarium?

Most ornamental fish bred in aquariums like water with a temperature of 22 to 26 degrees. However, discus and labyrinth fish, for example, require a higher water temperature – from 28 to 31 degrees. And goldfish, on the contrary, prefer cool water – 18-23 degrees.